Версия 1.14.41
В программу, на Великий пост добавлена дополнительная информация о посте по Типикону.
Version 1.14.38
In the "About the program" section, a button has been added to open the YouTube channel, where you can watch detailed videos on the main sections of the application.
Version 1.14.35
Fixed errors and typos in the program.
Version 1.14.33
Additional information about posts for 2024 has been added to the calendar.
Fixes have been made for notifications to work in Android 13.
Version 1.14.33
Minor changes.
Version 1.14.32
A calendar for 2024 has been added to the program.
Fixed bugs and typos in the program.
New prayers have been added to the prayer book.
A calendar for 2024 has been added to the program.
Fixed bugs and typos in the program.
New prayers have been added to the prayer book.
Version 1.14.31
Fixed errors and typos in the program.
New prayers have been added to the prayer book.
Version 1.14.30
Fixed errors and typos in the program.
New troparia and kontakia of the day have been added to the calendar.
New prayers have been added to the prayer book.
Version 1.14.29
Fixed a crash in the application when opening the "Settings" section.
Version 1.14.28
A calendar for 2023 has been added to the program.
Fixed bugs and typos in the program.
New names of saints have been added to the calendar.
Added the ability in the "Settings" section to Save\Load (settings, favorites, bookmarks).
Improved accessibility for the blind.
New prayers have been added to the prayer book.
Version 1.14.27
Fixed errors (typos) in the program.
Fixed the ability to copy text in the lives of saints.
New prayers have been added to the prayer book.
Version 1.14.26
Fixed errors (typos) in the program.
Added additional information on posts for 2022.
New prayer books (prayers, akathists and canons) have been added to the prayer book.
Version 1.14.24
Fixed errors (typos) in the program.
Minor bug fixes for notifications.
New prayers have been added to the prayer book (prayers, akathists and canons).
Version 1.14.21
Fixed the unstable operation of the application on old Android versions.
Version 1.14.20
Fixed errors (typos) in the program.
Improved accessibility for the blind.
Fixed work of notifications.
Small fix in the widget (you may need to reinstall the widget).
New prayers have been added to the prayer book.
Version 1.14.19
Fixed errors (typos) in the program.
New prayers have been added to the prayer book.
Version 1.14.18
Fixed errors (typos) in the program.
New prayers have been added to the prayer book.
Version 1.14.17
The calendar for 2022 has been added to the program.
Magnifications have been added to the section "Tropari and kontakion of the day".
Fixed errors (typos) in the program.
New prayers have been added to the prayer book.
Version 1.14.16
Fixed errors (typos) in the program.
New prayers have been added to the prayer book.
Version 1.14. 15
Fixed errors (typos) in the program.
New prayers have been added to the prayer book.
Version 1.14.14
Fixed errors (typos) in the program.
New prayers have been added to the prayer book.
Version 1.14.13
Fixed errors (typos) in the program.
New prayers have been added to the prayer book.
Version 1.14.12
Fixed errors (typos) in the program.
Most akathists and canons have accents added.
New prayers have been added to the prayer book.
Version 1.14.11
Fixed errors (typos) in the program.
New prayers have been added to the prayer book.
Version 1.14.10
Small changes have been made to the program.
Version 1.14.9
The calendar for 2021 has been added to the program.
Fixed errors (typos) in the program.
New prayers have been added to the prayer book.
Version 1.14.8
Fixed bugs (typos ) in a programme.
New prayers have been added to the prayer book.
Version 1.14.7
Fixed errors (typos) in the program.
New prayers have been added to the prayer book.
Version 1.14.6
The calendar for 2020 has been added to the program.
Fixed errors (typos) in the program.
New prayers have been added to the prayer book.
Version 1.14.5
Fixed bugs (typos) in the program.
New prayer books have been added to the prayer book.
Version 1.14.4
The program has made minor changes.
Version 1.14.3
In the calendar for the year 2019, the posts are given in accordance with the Typicon and the liturgical instructions. Also added additional information for 2019 about posts.
Added stress in the tropari and kondaki of the day, in which they were absent. Also added new tropari and kondaki.
Parimia were added to the Passion Week.
Fixed errors (typos) in the program.
New prayer books have been added to the prayer book.
Version 1.14.2
Made some minor improvements to the application.
Version 1.14.1
The program fixed the error that occurs when the application is minimized
Version 1.14.0
A calendar for 2019 has been added to the program.
Lives of the new martyrs (more than 1300 lives) are added, some brief lives of the saints (more than 300 lives) are updated. Links to the source of information have been added to lives.
In the calendar itself, the dimensions of references to lives (underscore) are reduced.
Fixed typos in the program.
Added new prayers.
Version 1.14.1
The program fixed the error that occurs when the application is minimized in some sections.
Version 1.14.0
A calendar for 2019 has been added to the program.
Lives of the new martyrs (more than 1300 lives) are added, some brief lives of the saints are updated for more detailed ones (more than 300 lives). Links to the source of information have been added to lives.
In the calendar itself, the dimensions of references to lives (underscore) are reduced.
Fixed errors (typos) in the program.
New prayer books have been added to the prayer book.
Small changes have been made to the program.
Fixed bugs (typos) in the program.
In prayer, new prayers are added.
Version 1.13.31 In the prayer book, the Psalter is completed. In which now it is possible to switch from the usual Psalter, to the Psalter by the deceased. Fixed bugs (typos) in the program. Also in the prayers are added new prayers.
Release 1.13.30 Small changes have been made to the program. Fixed bugs (typos) in the program. Also in the prayers are added: 1. Prayer to St. Athanasius of Syandem; 2. Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos before the icon "Troeruchitsa".
Version 1.13.29 In the calendar for 2018, the posts are listed in accordance with the Typicon and Divine Services. Added additional information for 2018 on posts. Fixed some bugs (typos) in the program.
Version 1.13.28 Small changes have been made to the program. Fixed bugs / typos in the program. Also, prayers add new prayers.
Version 1.13.27 The program adds descriptions of icons of the Blessed Virgin. In the Gospel readings, in the comments, active links are added. Fixed bugs / typos in the program. Also, prayers add new prayers.
Version 1.13.25 Two new buttons are added to the section "Prayers". The first allows you to quickly change the font, without going for it in the "Settings" section. The second allows you to quickly switch the language of the prayer book from civil to Church Slavonic and back. Fixed some bugs (typos) in the program. Prayers and canons have been added to prayer.